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The Infrastructure’s Guide Chapter 6

Updated: Apr 16, 2021

After breakfast, Meng Sheng brought the machete out of the cave.

He came across several tribal natives one after the other after exiting the cave. He had rarely seen anybody before, and these natives were all headed in the same direction.

He kept a safe distance from the locals and went to different direction from them, where vegetation was lusher.

Carrying a machete on his body, it wasn't that difficult for him to travel. When he couldn't hear any other male voices after a while of drilling in the grass, he tapped his breath.

He eventually found a location with less grass.

Meng Sheng has no idea where he was. This place was less open than where the tribes caves where located. The dense forest almost obscured the horizon. It had previously rained, but the ground here hadn’t yet dried. There was moss on the ground, and it was muddy. There were footprints underfoot, as well as the stench of dampness and decay.

Seeing that there was no food to pick, he promptly decided to leave this barren and bleak place, trying out his luck somewhere brighter.

In order to avoid danger, he exhaled heavily his breath, greatly increasing how far he could see and hear.

As he was about to head out of the jungle, an abrupt scent entered his nose. He could definitely tell it was a male breath after using his own. The scent reminded him of... a steamed bun.

He followed the scent to the west. After a deep breath, he heard the beast's roar, and he could also perceive a massive movement over a small hill.

At this moment, at the flat stretch of land under the hillside, a wild beast with six diagonal horns was racing and ramming around. Its gray skin and many horns made it look grotesque.

Even from a distance, the wild beast was massive, probably more than two meters tall, billowing like a rhinoceros. Full of recklessness, it even broke an old tree with one headbutt.

Since he arrived to Primordial, this was his second encounter with a large beast. The first time this happened was when the weak aboriginal was eaten. He was now conflicted over whether or not to go there. Right now, there was a tall man standing in front of the beast.

The heavy scent of steamed buns indicated that human and beast were battling fiercely.

He laid on the hillside for a moment, watching the battle, and saw that the males were gradually unable to withstand the attacks of the beasts, and his breath was starting to diminish.

Even though he didn’t want to be nosy, he couldn’t stand by and watch another native get swallowed by a wild beast… After another mighty roar from the beast, he let out his breath and dashed over with a machete. The male was taken aback by the wild beast at this point.

If Meng Sheng doesn’t make a move now, the male will be dead. He reached the fallen tree trunk.

As the beast approached the wounded man, he stepped over the shattered trunk, flipped over and leapt onto the beast's back, and stabbed a machete with accuracy into the beast's throat.

The thirty-centimeter-long fangs of the beast were aimed at the male on the ground. Just as the wounded male felt he was going to slip into the beast's mouth and he gave up struggling, the beast roared, bent his neck away, and ran in circles.

Meng Sheng would have been thrown off if he hadn't grasped the machete stuck into the beast's neck.

He attempted to seize the blade out, but it was so deeply pierced that he couldn't pull it out. The beast smashed into the tree, granting him a concussion, and the blood of the animal splashed all over him.

"Get up quickly! Punch it now!"

The dumb male eventually reacted, picked up the broken spear and charged towards the beast, trying to pierce the beast.

"Be careful not to get kicked!" As Meng Sheng voice dropped, the male who ran his way, got struck by the beast.

Fortunately, the broken spear completed the job. The beast roared one last time before collapsing. When he saw it wasn't moving, he jumped down.

“How are you? Are you hurt?”

He ignored the dead beast’s corpse and took the initiative to inspect the injured person. The beast's smash was extremely powerful. Meng Sheng was concerned that the male would never rise again.

The man immediately grabbed his chest and stood up, smiling at him with blood stains.

"Thank you so much! From which cave are you?

“I…” He hesitated before responding. "Meng Sheng."

"Meng Sheng." The male's bold eyes were flushed with astonishment. "Are you sure?"

Seeing him well enough to question his identity, it seemed that the man wasn’t seriously hurt.

Meng Sheng approached the beast with his back to the male and pulled the machete from its huge body.

“Why would I lie?”

The male approached him and gave him a stern look. “You are not like before!”

Meng Sheng chuckled and said, half-jokingly, “No, I'm not. Maybe the lightning that hit me before improved my brain.”

As a result, the male's eyes widened slightly as he stared at him even more. "Did you attain enlightenment, got great wisdom and strength?"

Meng Sheng cast a wary look at the man in front of him. His body was sculpted with bulging muscles. Could this tall and mighty person be a… fool? Although the limbs were well developed, the mind up there was simple.

"You think too much, it's fine now, I'll go ."

"Don't go!" Zhong Yang grabbed the male who was braver than he was.

His expression became even more intense as he realized he was Meng Sheng. "Don't you want the beast?" He asked, surprised and awestruck.

"It's so large, how do you get it back?"

“If you can kill it with a single strike, you can easily bring it back! Today, the food is distributed to the tribe’s weak members. Such a large beast like this may be consumed by the poor for a few days! And knowing you hunted it will earn you respect and admiration!”

Meng Sheng waved his hand quickly. "No, it was you who killed it. Yes, I only assisted you. It’s your prey."

"You're just too modest! Let's go, Meng Sheng; I'm grateful for your assistance! After we return and the beast is butchered, you’ll stay at my home for dinner. I’ll entertain you with the beast’s heart!” Zhong Yang grabbed him and drew him to the beast's side.

Meng Sheng was now suffering from a headache and regretted his decision to come here.

"You have never interacted with members of the tribe before. Take advantage of today to get to meet everyone and to experience the honor of caring for the poor. There are also several novelties in my cave, many of which were traded in the market. Allow me to broaden your horizon.” Zhong Yang said as he took the stone tool he had seized from the beast.

"Hang on a minute, you are..?”

Zhong Yang was taken aback by the puzzled expression on his face, but he quickly articulated his understanding.

“You really don’t recognize who am I? I’m a member of the chief's family. Zhong Yang! But you're right. You use to be You and no one paid attention to you. But now things are different. You rescued me, and you’re Zhong Yang’s friend!”

Meng Sheng arched his forehead. If he’s the chief’s son…

"Is there salt in your cave?"

Zhong Yang quickly answered, seeing that he was finally interested. "Yes, indeed! I can give it to you."

Meng Sheng immediately grinned and went to get the beast. "Then hurry up!"

Zhong Yang was overjoyed that he had actually agreed.

The two male breaths intertwined, and the beast, which would have required thirty adult men to carry, was easily carried by two of them.

"Why can't I smell your breath, Meng Sheng? It seems to blend in with the scent of plans and trees.”

Meng Sheng was helpless; it was not as noticeable as his steamed bun.

"Because my breath smells like plants and trees."

"The smell of plants and trees? That's really unusual."

"Nothing is unusual."

With Zhong Yang leading the way, it didn't take long for the two to find their way back to the main forest road.

Meng Sheng was initially perplexed as to why he had seen so many indigenous people this morning. Now he realized that everyone had gone to the Chiefs' Cave to get provisions today.

At this time, the majority of the Yanlin tribe's native population had already assembled outside the Chiefs' Cave.

There were weak female and weak sub-females who came to get provisions and strong males who were revered as heroes who came to divide their prey.

On this day of the month, the Yanlin tribe distributes food to the needy. In the tribe, there was a gathering group who’s gathered materials were held in the Chiefs Cave until per month distributed to the less fortunate tribe’s members. This was only a half of the food. The remainder came from the powerful males of the tribe. The pray they hunted. The amount was entirely voluntary.

Of course, the male would be respected more if he brings more and gives more. Males' status in the tribe would naturally rise. The position of chieftain of the Yanlin tribe was not hereditary, but was determined by the tribe. People's recommendation. This also implies that the one who wins the hearts of the people will succeed as chief!

As a result, many strong and capable males will earn tribe’s goodwill while sharing food once a month, and one by one, they will deliver their handy prey to all.

This year's most powerful and outstanding young males were Zhong Yang from the chief's family, the two Tang brothers from the deputy chief's family, and Kong Jia.

Every month they compete with each other.

Tang Yu and Tang Dun, the deputy chief's two brothers, had arrived carrying their prey. Tang Yu’s brought an adult hylacine while his younger brother Tand Dun was carrying a wild goat. Kong Jia trailed after them with a yak. Other powerful males also arrived with dignity, bearing their prey.

Everyone gave way to the brave hunters.

Each prey had its own merits, and it was difficult to determine which one was better. The dead animals was tossed onto the stone slab, where it waited for the division. Tribe’s people naturally clustered in the direction of what they desired and congratulated the male who had hunted.

"Hey, chief, why haven’t I seen Zhong Yang today? Did he forget to take part in today’s food sharing?” Tang Yu made a loud joke when he saw that the stone slab that normally belonged to Zhong Yang was empty and that only the chief was standing there.

“He's out hunting and hasn't returned yet.”

Tang Yu chuckled as he heard the words and slapped his prey, either deliberately or unconsciously. "Hunting today? Hadn’t he caughted anything in days before? Zhong Yang's luck sure is bad this month. Won’t he end up in last place?”

The chief had a sour face. His son had always been fair and honest, therefore he followed the tribe’s chiefs election tradition.

In the recent food distributions, the Tang family's two brothers and Kong Jia have had the upper hand. He was concerned that if this continued, Zhong Yang would be unable to compete for the next Chiefs place.

The old man's heart was troubled by the fact that Zhong Yang had not returned; he had glanced up the path into the food court many times.

"I'm back! I'm back!" Someone yelled unexpectedly.

As soon as the voice fell, a massive beast was seen from afar being carried and neared to the food distribution area. Everyone hushed after witnessing the beasts size.

The two men holding the beast approached slowly.

Zhong Yang exclaimed, "I'm back!"

The young sub-females and females surrounded the two covered in blood males who had returned with massive prey.

"Ah, I haven't seen you in a few days; Zhong Yang how are you much more handsome now!"

"Yeah! Zhong Yang is too powerful! He can even hunt Ewing's beasts."

“Wait! Who's the one standing next to him? Why, why, why? Why is he so handsome?”

There was a lot of talk in the food court. The two Tang brothers, who had been joking and smiling, and Kong Jia, now frowned.

With a joyful smile on his lips, the chief who had just wallowed in depression now hurriedly greeted his son. “How come you arrived so late and kept everybody waiting?” Despite the fact that it was a reprimand, the tone was more pleased.

As soon as the two of them threw the beast to the ground, Zhong Yang couldn't wait to pull on Meng Sheng, describing to the chief and everyone how they hunted it down.

“This is Meng Sheng and he’s the one who hunted Ewing with me!”

"Meng Sheng?" The chief repeated and others murmured similarly, feeling that this names was unfamiliar.

Zhong Yang leaned into his father’s ear and whispered something.

The chief's eyes lit up. "This is Meng Sheng, who had been living on his own for quite some time. Now he has matured into a capable male! Meng Sheng and Zhong Yang worked together to bring down this beast. Everyone cheer for the heroes!”

The natives exchanged glances. They were all in agreement that there would be plenty of food available today. As soon as the first one began, others joined, and applause and cheers rained down.

"Heroes! Heroes!"

Meng Sheng hadn't been in such a situation in a long time, and he was still a little uncomfortable. He just nodded, which was regarded as the first face-to-face interaction with the indigenous community.

Among the leaping and cheering audience he noticed Qiu Juan quietly applauding.


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Apr 15, 2021

Thanks for translating <3

It's so amusing how Zhong Yang's scent smells like steamed buns....makes you hungry..... 🤤🤤🤤

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